
The nethserver-mock package provides some scripts to ease the process of building and releasing RPMs.

Configuring the environment

On NethServer, install nethserver-mock package, by typing:

yum install nethserver-mock

On Fedora, and other RPM-based distros run the command:

yum install <URL>


dnf install <URL>

where <URL> is at the time of writing. The build process uses Mock and must be run as a non privileged user, member of the mock system group. Add your user to the mock group:

usermod -a -G mock <username>

Running the scripts

The make-rpms command eases building of the NethServer RPMs by hiding the complexity of other commands. It is designed to work inside the git repository directory of NethServer packages, but should fit other environments, too.

Start by cloning the git repository and move inside it. For instance

git clone
cd nethserver-mail-server

To build the RPM just type

make-rpms nethserver-mail-server.spec

The command writes the results into the current directory, assuming every change to the source code has been commited. If everything goes well they consist of:

  • source RPM
  • binary/noarch RPMs
  • mock log files

To clean up the git repository directory, git clean may help:

git clean -x -n

Substitute -n with -f to actually remove the files!


The make-rpms command is sensible to dist and mockcfg environment variables. If they are missing the default values are shown by invoking it without arguments.

For example:

dist=ns7 mockcfg=nethserver-7-x86_64 make-rpms *.spec

The make-rpms command in turn relies on other scripts

Builds the .src.rpm file.
Extracts and/or fetches the source tarballs.

The first Source tag in the .spec file is assumed refer to the local git repository. If an absolute URL is specified, only the last part is considered. Other SourceN tags must conform to the Fedora RPM guidelines [1]. The external sources are actually fetched by the spectool command.

If the file SHA1SUM exists in the same directory of the .spec file the tarballs are checked against it.

Development and Release builds

During the development, a package can be rebuilt frequently: increasing build numbers and unique release identifiers are useful during this stage to help the whole process.

When make-rpms is invoked, it checks the git log history and tags to decide what kind of build is required: development or release.

Release builds produce a traditional RPM file name, i.e.:


Development builds produces a marked RPM, i.e:


Other differences in development from release are

  • the %changelog section in .spec is replaced by the git log history since the last tag
  • the number of commits since the last tag, and the latest git commit hash are extracted from git describe and prepended to the %dist macro.

Signing RPMs

The command sign-rpms is a wrapper around rpm --resign command. Its advantage is it can read a password for the GPG signature from the filesystem. Sample invocation:

sign-rpms -f ~/.secret -k ABCDABCD

The signature is added automatically by

Running on EL8

It’s possible to use nethserver-mock also on EL8 (CentOS 8). If the build fails, please remove dnf-plugin-spacewalk RPM from the system.


[1]Referencing Source